Salem The Podcast

Welcome to Salem, Massachusetts! Join tour guides Jeffrey Lilley and Sarah Black as they talk all things Witch City. Learn its history, meet its people, and discover the magic.

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35 minutes ago

Who is the most famous artist in Salem? Some would say that title goes to 13-year-old Georgia Wren, the talent behind “Georgia Made This.” You've probably seen her selling Salem-inspired merchandise at the Salem Arts Festival, or perhaps at the Haunted Happenings Marketplace in October. You can also find her products in Moons Gift Shop and at the Peabody Essex Museum Store! And we know several of you listeners probably have "Georgia Made This" apparel hanging in your closet at this very moment. Join Jeffrey and Sarah as they sit down with the Georgia (and her Dad, Chris) to learn about how she got her business off the ground at just 6 years old. What's her favorite design thus far? How does she feel about opening a new store on Front Street? And did she really meet Adam Sandler?
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
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151. Salem in 1892

Thursday Mar 20, 2025

Thursday Mar 20, 2025

Some of you may remember the 300th year anniversary of the Salem Witch Trials. Perhaps you watched as the memorials were dedicated. Or you followed Laurie Cabot and her fellow witches up to Gallows Hill. But surely none of you were around in 1892! Nearly a century and a half ago, Salem was commemorating the bicentenary of the Salem Witch Trials... or were they?
What exactly did Salem look like and how did they treat this grim history? Join Sarah and Jeffrey, your favorite Salem tour guides, for a little 1892 adventure. Are you buying Witch Cream and cigars from the pharmacy at the Witch House? Or being taken on a carriage tour to the hanging grounds. And which house inspired Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables again?
Endless Night Salem Vampire Salon : discount code SALEMTHEPOD
1892 Jan 12. "To Erect a Tablet on Witch Hill" Boston Evening Transcript. 8.
1892 Jan 2. "Origin of Souvenir Spoons" The Evening World. 4.
1892 Sept 26. "The Witch Tragedy" The Lima News. 6.
1892 Jan 16. "Witch Cream" Boston Evening Transcript. 8.
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Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

Friday Mar 14, 2025

Join Jeffrey and Sarah, your favorite Salem tour guides, as they round out the life of Sarah Wildes. What lasting repercussions did her quick betrothal have on her life? Is that why Mary Reddington slandered her for decades? Was the scythe cursed or were they just a bunch of teenagers? It all comes together in the end.
Endless Night Salem Vampire Salon : discount code SALEMTHEPOD
Clara Arlette Avery, The Averell-Averill-Avery Family: A Record of the Descendants of William and Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Mass.
Marilynne Roach, The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-By-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege 
Walter Davis, The Wildes Family of Essex County, Massachusetts
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

Thursday Mar 06, 2025

333 years ago, fear was starting to stir in seventeenth-century Salem as a few young girls claimed to be afflicted by unseen forces. Over the next year, superstition, fear, and a broken legal system would ultimately lead to the wrongful convictions and executions of 19 people. But what exactly was so scandalous or threatening about Sarah Wildes? Join Jeffrey and Sarah, your favorite Salem tour guides, as they delve into the life of another victim from the Salem Witch Trials. Was her reputation as bad her time in court would make it seem? Did she just follow a non-traditional path? And where did she get that silk scarf?!
Endless Night Salem Vampire Salon : discount code SALEMTHEPOD
Clara Arlette Avery, The Averell-Averill-Avery Family: A Record of the Descendants of William and Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Mass.
Marilynne Roach, The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-By-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege 
Walter Davis, The Wildes Family of Essex County, Massachusetts
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

Thursday Feb 27, 2025

What does the Lobster Shanty, Wolf Next Door Coffee, and Front Street Coffeehouse have in common? These local eateries are all owned and operated by Diane Wolf, Salem's favorite restauranteur extraordinaire. We stole Diane away from tireless work to learn a bit more about her dedication to good coffee and an even better meal. What brought Diane into Salem's restaurant scene in the first place? How did she end up juggling three establishments? And do any ghosts lurk in the basements of your favorite coffeehouse? We'll talk lobster rolls, tourist shenanigans, and even a food network appearance.
PS. You might not want to listen to this one on an empty stomach!
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Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours

147. Love Nuggets Vol. III

Thursday Feb 20, 2025

Thursday Feb 20, 2025

It's that time of year again and love is in the air! Red roses... dead roses... either way... Salem sees love stories all year long! Join Jeffrey and Sarah, your favorite Salem tour guides, as they share YOUR love stories of Salem. What do we have this year? Updated naked adventures! Baby witches! Destination proposals! And a mystery listener shoots their shot! 
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

146. The Blizzard of '78

Thursday Feb 13, 2025

Thursday Feb 13, 2025

New England is known for its unpredictable and unforgiving winter weather. We've seen everything from ice storms to a Snowpocalypse, but few storms have had the impact as the Northeastern Blizzard of 1978. Hurricane force winds, extreme tidal flooding, and over two feet of snow in less than two days. Join Sarah and Jeffrey, your favorite Salem tour guides, as they recap the damage, devastation, and aftermath of this historic storm. You'll hear some light-hearted insights about how Salem State College students weathered the blizzard, as well as some grim details about an oil spill and fatal rescue attempt off Salem's coast. 
Blizzard Photo Slide Show - Salem News
Photos: Looking back at the Blizzard of ‘78
"The Global Hope is Around": An Incident at Salem Sound by K.W. Mathews
"Heroism in the Blizzard of 1978" by Micheal J. Tougias.
YOUTUBE - Loss of Pilot Boat "Can Do", Blizzard of 1978 off Salem, Mass.
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Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

Hide the cannons! Grab your muskets! It's the 250th anniversary of Leslie's Retreat and Salem's annual reenactment of this underrated Revolutionary War conflict is just weeks away! In 1774, the people of Salem took a stand against Colonel Leslie and his 200 British troops. Although no shot was fired, some say February 26th marked the real start of the War for Independence. To commemorate the anniversary, Salem is hosting an array of lectures, programs, and even a "Revolution Ball" at Hamilton Hall! So before we take you back to Episode 52 to brush up on the history, let's chat details about what Salem has in store for this momentous occasion.
Perhaps Revolutionary War reenactments aren't your thing! Don't fret! We'll also be covering updates about the upcoming Vampire Salons.
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

144. Laurie Cabot (part 4)

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

Four parts! Our last and final episode on Laurie Cabot, the Official Witch of Salem. Someone who, by her very presence and actions, has changed the face of this city over the last fifty years. Join Sarah and Jeffrey, your favorite Salem tour guides, as they talk about some last-minute hidden stories about Laurie Cabot's past, and share some fun listener insights with you as well! 
In Search Of... part 1
In Search Of... part 2
In Search Of... part 3
Godsmack "Voodoo" music Video
"Witch City" documentary
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Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

143. Laurie Cabot (part 3)

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

And we're back to talk about Laurie Cabot, Salem's *unofficial* Official Witch for the last time (maybe)! We've got her sensational mayoral run to cover, the tercentenary of the Salem Witch Trials, and of course, her help with the Martha Brailsford investigation. But what other nuggets could Sarah have uncovered this week? There's only one way to find out!
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Book a tour with Sarah at Bewitched Historical Tours
Book a tour with Jeffrey at Salem Uncovered Tours 
Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: NGSBY7LA1HTVAUJE

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